16003 Undo Check Spelling 16004 Redo Check Spelling 16101 16102 Chec&k Spelling... 16130 Text/Check Spelling could not allocate global storage record. 16131 Text/Check Spelling could not build the internal text list. 16132 Text/Check Spelling got an unknown item number in the main dialog. 16133 Text/Check Spelling could not complete the replace command. 16134 "%s" is already known in the dictionary. 16135 Can't replace text in a locked object or layer. 16136 Could not initialize the dictionary. Make sure appropriate language dictionary is in your Plug-ins folder 16137 Can't find Dictionary file; please try to locate it. 16138 Can't open User Dictionary file in Plug-Ins folder. 16139 Please choose a new dictionary file; these are usually in the Plug-Ins folder with names like "UK English 7.5". 16140 No spelling errors found. 16141 No more errors found. You have corrected or skipped %d word. 16142 No more errors found. You have corrected or skipped %d words. 16143 No more errors found. You have corrected or skipped %d words. 16144 No more errors found. There was a large number of misspelled words (%d) that you have corrected or skipped. 16145 The word you've tried to add to the dictionary is too long. 16146 That is not a valid word. 16147 An error has occured. 16331 AIUser.dct 16332 USEnglsh.dct 16333 USEnglsh.dct 16334 UKEnglsh.dct 16335 French.dct 16336 German.dct 16337 Spanish.dct 16338 Dutch.dct 16339 Italian.dct 16340 Swedish.dct 16341 Norwegian.dct 16342 Finnish.dct 16343 Danish.dct 16401 .dct 16402 Dictionary Files(*.dct)0*.dct0Dictionary Files(*.spl)0*.spl*0All Files(*.*)0*.*0 18000 18001 Mispelled Words: 18002 Misspelled Words: